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The advantages of Different types of Poisk

Regina Shumaker 24-09-25 21:29 조회수 24
The Demand algorithm regularly analyzes demand trail and identifies products that can be discounted significantly to multiplication their sales. It shows a amount reduction recommendation on the Prices page in the Reduce by column. To set the price immediately, this click on the value in the column and TV then Rub by. Such a reduction wish expand different your chances of receiving a mark down at the expense of the Market. The value in it depends on the Co-financing commencement - this is the minimum amount of the product at which you will be ready to sell it in straighten out to increase sales.

According to the Market-place support, you impute the sacrifice dawn for the benefit of co-financing. Your outcome charge on the storefront make not change. If the rate of your product is competitive and your product is selected by the algorithm, the Store resolution sum its brush off to the outset you set and different indicate customers the price taking into account the resulting discount. The Market wish blanket половина or more of the costs during it.

The mark down you set last will and testament exclusive be applied if the algorithm selects your product. You drive lay out no more on the reduce than you planned, and different in most cases, center less.

업무 시간

월 ~ 금 (주말,공휴일 휴무)
월 ~ 금 (주말,공휴일 휴무)
현지시간 8:00 ~ 18:00

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